This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Could've been a washout, but wasn't

Just a little photo of a place I went to today.

No post yesterday - got sidetracked clearing out crap from my cupboards - loads of books, some I have read, some I haven't.

Some I have:

White Teeth - Zadie Smith
Odyssey - Homer
Flowers in the Attic - Virginia Andrews

Some I haven't:

Birds Without Wings - Louis de Bernieres
Q & A - Vikas Swarup
Vernon God Little - DBC Pierre

The ones I haven't read, I will probably get round to reading, sometime (when I have time). Meanwhile, I will give the school library the benefit of them.

After the clearing out, I went to my visit my parents in Kenton. Mum had been busy gardening (as usual) Dad had been pottering around upstairs, he has an office in the attic (converted). I sat down for a cup of coffee and cinnamon Danish (lovely) with them, had a chat and went out to look at the robins' nest, which the robins have made in my Dad's greenhouse. They have five babies, who are always clamouring to be fed. Robins are pretty cocky little chaps, who love nothing better than to follow my mum, whilst she is digging, to pick up tasty treats for the chicks.

I didn't take the photo above (our chicks are cuter)!!

After visiting was over I headed back home, stopping at Morrison's (supermarket) on the way, to get some 'Feminax' tablets - I take these for womany problems and also I have found that they are the only thing that takes my migraines away - OH MY GOD!!! They have changed the recipe and have taken out the magic ingredient 'Hyoscine', an anti-spasmodic, it is now plain Paracetemol and Codeine, CRAP, CRAP,CRAP!!! I will now have to try and find the old type in the little pharmacies where they haven't sold out yet - this is my mission.

Stayed at my boyfriend's house last night and ate the most awful curry I have eaten for a long time. It was from a local takeaway - I asked for lamb korma - which should be mild, but it was so hot(spicy) I just couldn't eat it. It gave me really bad heartburn and indigestion and kept me awake all night.

I was awake, listening to him snoring, from around 3.30 am to around 7 am - I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew the alarm went off and it was 9am!!

We had breakfast and discussed what we could do - normally he has two of his children on a Sunday (he has four boys) - but this week they were going away somewhere with their mum and step-dad, so we had the luxury of a full-day together(whoop, whoop!!). He said that he had an idea of somewhere he would like to take me, but wouldn't tell me where we were going.

After about an hour (maybe more) drive, we ended up in a village called Bray in Hertfordshire. This was a typical English Village, but unfortunately unless you were born here and own a house, only the very rich seem to be able to afford a property here




We also went to Monkey Island, which is a Hotel and Restaurant, for the rich and famous. It is exactly what is says (An Island), which you reach by crossing over a footbridge. Michael Caine is said to own a bungalow on this exclusive island.

We had little walk around the grounds, which were really peaceful and beautifully laid out next to the river(or canal??)

We had a swift half (I had pineapple juice) in the local pub and then headed back home, going past Windsor on the way (packed with tourists).

The day was finished off with a visit to my favourite Chinese Buffet in Park Royal (Acton) Dragon King .

Tomorrow is another day (as Scarlet O'hara says in Gone with the wind).

Hasta mañana folks. Jo xx

Friday, April 28, 2006


I haven't had an 'alien bursting out moment' for a while, but this evening it is definitely threatening to explode through the abdominal wall, yeuch!!

This evening I have eaten:

Half a packet of bbq pringles

A banana

Stir Fried Pork, with

Cashew Nuts

Fresh Asparagus

Green and Red Peppers

Spring Onions


Boiled white rice

The meat and veg were marinated with Soy Sauce, Rendang Indonesian Curry Paste, Tomato Puree, Lemon juice and Honey, before stir frying.

Too, too much. I should have taken a photo, but I couldn't wait to eat (SORRY)

Good Day at work today, foot is so much better, but minions(my staff) are still running around after me (bless their cotton socks), they won't let me do much and put a foot stool under the desk so that I can rest my foot.

Since I haven't done a lot of physical work today I had plenty of time to prepare ideas for new board displays in the library. When my sister Angie was here last year, we went sight seeing all around Good Old London Town, she went up on the London Eye and she took some really beautiful photographs. Here are a few to whet your appetite.

This one is of St. Paul's Cathedral in the City of London

This one is of Big Ben(which is actually the name of the bell) and the Houses of Parliament.

This one is a view of London, in the background is the Telecom Tower.

I have decided that too few children know anything about the City they live in so I hope to give them a few ideas of places they can visit, during the summer holidays, that are free or cheap.

When I was little my Dad used to take us all over London and other parts of England.

Places like Windsor Castle, Bekonscot Model Village (really old fashioned English - but lovely), Bath Spa, Canterbury and many more places outside of London.

In London, we went to all the great Museums and Art Galleries, such as the Natural History Museum in South Kensington and the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square(these are free)!

I still go out to visit places as much as I can, especially in the Summer, and I know that the rest of my family love London as much as I do. (God I sound really patriotic - or like a Tourist Board Employee).

Well enough for tonight, I'm all typed out.

Love and kisses Jo xx

Thursday, April 27, 2006

This is a short one

Just got home from watching a local amateur operatic group do 'Brigadoon', which is always good for a laugh, as most of the cast are quite old and fat. They keep forgetting their lines and the prompter seems to be quite deaf as she prompts while the actors are still speaking.

Lots of weird shaped legs in kilts.


My foot is swollen

I am tired

I am thirsty

I am going to bed

Goodnight, sleeptight and don't let the bed bugs bite. Jo xx

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Got to get back to work

Shock horror, when I got bathroom scales this morning - I have put on 5lbs in two days!!!

This is not good (this is not possible), well maybe it is the fact that I am bored to tears, sitting on the couch - with my foot up, watching TV, reading and EATING.

Yesterday I mentioned that I would love a packet of Pringles - I know my boyfriend doesn't read my blog, he is not really a computer person - so you could knock me down with a feather, when he appeared at my front door with not just one tube of bbq Pringles,but two!! He also brought me a tin of cashews and a newspaper. This is not a good state of affairs, so I have asked him to take one of the tubes (one has already been demolished) and the cashews back home with him and hide them. On pain of death, he must only tell me where they in the utmost emergency, PMT being the main one (womany things).

My foot is feeling much better today, I will definitely go back to work tomorrow even if I hobble in - I AM GOING STIR CRAZY!!

To keep myself amused I have been practising using my camera on the self-timer setting, hence picture above, which has been photoshopped.

It is a lovely day again today, the sun is shining, the birds are twittering, the bees are busy buzzing, the trees are blossoming - here is a picture of one overhanging my garden.

And here is another of a low shrub which comes out this time every year, I think it's called Candytuft?

I am listening to Dionne Warwick Singing 'Walk on by' it is so relaxing, next up is 'Say a little prayer' - she has a fantastic voice!!

I think I might tackle the kitchen now - we ate Chinese take away last night. I tried a place I haven't tried before called Feng Shui, it wasn't bad, well compared to most of the other take aways around here it was pretty good, you wont find them on the web, they are only a little local place - the kitchen is in a right state, so I will do a bit at a time, I don't want to overdo it on the leg.

By the way, I finished the book I was reading yesterday 'Life Swap', sooo predictable! But if you want something that's a bit slushy and girly, this is definitely for you (if you are about 16!!) I have never really been a girly, girl, preferring Science Fiction and Fantasy books, but being a School Librarian you have to dip into everything if you want to have an informed opinion.

I will try to eat salad and fruit today (HONEST)!

Yours in boredom Jo xx

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Accidents can and will happen

No blog yesterday as I had a bit of an accident - it was my own fault really I tripped over a kick-stool, which we use in the library to reach the higher shelves.

I would not have fallen over if I had looked where I was going - I was shouting at the kids to keep the noise down in the library, I turned, tripped over the stool and went flat on my face. The laughter in the room was deafening (I would have laughed too) - redfaced I tried to scurry into the office, suddenly realising that my ankle was complaining. It suddenly ballooned-up and the pain brought tears to my eyes - my little helper (bless him) ran to the medical room for an ice pack. I sat for a couple of hours in the medical room, filled in an accident report form and waited for my lift home. Boyfriend arrived a couple of hours later and I hobbled to his car and home.

The only good thing about hurting my ankle, which is still swollen, is that I got my evening meal cooked for me. My younger son is a bit of a closet chef and likes experimenting with different flavours. So he made us Pork, fried with Onions, garlic, herbs and finished with squeezed fresh lemons - he served this with penne pasta and it was delicious. Needless to say I had extra helpings - well I do have to keep my strength up!!

Since I can't do very much today except hobble, I shall probably do a lot of reading. I have started a chick-lit book called 'Life swap' by Jane Green, it's not my normal choice of reading, but one of my friends gave it to me to read, while I was in the medical room waiting yesterday and I want to know what is going to happen to the characters (sad I know).

I could really do with a big tube of bbq flavour Pringles today, I know I shouldn't but what the heck, you only live once.

This is a not very good picture of my now not-so-swollen ankle (side view)

Well, I am off to carry on reading my book and then I will probably hobble off to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast, my boys having respectively gone to work and school, leaving me on my tod (alone).

Yours alone, in hobbledon. Jo xx

Sunday, April 23, 2006

What a grey day

What happened! After my full of the joys of Spring blog yesterday, today feels like it's gone and slapped me in the face. I had my washing on the line yesterday, it smelled gorgeous. Today here is the view of my washing line.

There will definitely be no drying of washing today!!

Today I have been doing odd jobs around the house, such as unblocking my sink plughole in the kitchen - I noticed it had been taking ages to drain - I unscrewed the U bend and found 2 knives wedged in the pipe, how the hell did they manage to get in there?? In with the knives was loads of other gunk - not a pretty sight, but someone had to clear it.

I finally finished my book 'A hundred and one days in Baghdad' and have started on a book called 'The Definitive Book of Body Language' by Allan and Barbara Pease. It describes how you can tell when someone is lying, even when they are really good at hiding the unconscious actions. It tells you about differences between men and women, such as the fact that women have better peripheral vision so they can disguise where they are looking: eg. A man when first meeting a women tends to look her up and down, focussing on the nether regions. A woman can look a man straight in the eye and still see the nether regions without it being obvious that she is doing so(lucky me).

Today all I am listening to is the background music for a playstation game (pro-evolution soccer), which my sons are playing (soooo boooring).

I am just going into the kitchen to make our evening meal, I haven't quite decided what we are going to eat.


  • Pork chops(with rind)
  • Mash Potato with chopped up spring onions
  • Petit Pois
  • Gravy

Last night I ate far too much again, the packet of bbq flavour Pringles didn't help either, but hey no one was forcing me to.

Today is St. Georges Day, but for some reason in this country it is non PC(Politically Correct) to celebrate this, which I think is a crying shame. Every country should keep their identity, what's wrong with being English and proud of it. Even though my parents are Spanish(Mum) and half Spanish/mixture of Irish and Moroccan (Dad), I am proud of the country I have been born in and I think this should be celebrated. So HAPPY ST. GEORGES DAY, to all you English people out there.

Happy Morris Dancing, eating jellied eels, fish and chips, pie and mash and hankies on your head day. Jo xx

Saturday, April 22, 2006


My favourite love song, for good loving - and a Marvin Gaye classic.

No more details will be forthcoming on this subject, as I discovered that some of my nephews and nieces read my blog, so they don't need to know details of their auntie's sex life (yes I do have one) and (no i'm not too old!).

The reason why i'm mentioning this is because on a Saturday night I usually spend the night at my boyfriend's house. He is a lovely man, I may have said this before, but I have spent too much time on my own to spend everyday/night with someone/a man. But Saturday nights are just enough to keep me interested and him working to keep me interested - I am not a bitch, but I know what I like. I keep him happy (I think), we have been together for 4 years now and I am still happy to see him. He is a bit of a romantic and buys me silly things like: a mini pig vacuum

(see above) a hair removal system that doesn't work, a farting soft toy dog and other random/strange items.

He has just this minute phoned me, to tell me that he has finished work. The other great thing about him is that he is a good cook and always cooks me wonderful meals, but always far too much - tonight we will be eating, Noodles with Pork. He usually buys the ingredients from the Chinese supermarket in Staples Corner, Wing Yip. He uses these really lovely noodles, a big fat fresh packet, which has little bits of green stuff and prawns in it (don't know what they are called), he buys lean pork(I love fat) - (he hates fat), and marinades it in all sorts of things, such as:

Rice Wine

Soy Sauce

Indonesian Redang Curry paste


Tomato Ketchup(yes really)

Chinese 5 spice paste

and several other things that I am not sure about.

He also puts in the stir fry bit, mushrooms, onions, peppers and spinach. It is so delicious, I literally lick the plate clean (something I would never do in public) and then with my finger I lick the pan clean (it's non-stick)

He is not a small guy, he is around 6ft tall and weighs around 20 stone!! He looks like a nightclub bouncer(he has worked as one), he is now a chauffeur and drives around in a big silver BMW. He really shouldn't eat as much as he does, but then neither should I(oh well, c'est la vie).

Have you noticed (if you live in London) what a beautiful day it has been. Spring has definitely sprung and just to prove it here are a couple of photos I took this morning, of daffodils in my garden and tulips (in my vase).



Right, the boyfriend has arrived so I am off now to be pampered and looked after.

Hope you all have a good night, because I certainly will.

Love you all. Jo xx

Friday, April 21, 2006

Thank God it's Friday!! Yippee

Even though I only had a three day week - it was just the looooongest week ever!!

Today at work it was stifling, it was sweaty, it was stinky(all that testosterone and hormones floating around) - this is what you get on a muggy day in a library full of teenagers. Short tempers, teachers complaining, students complaining and some idiot caretaker deciding that the central heating should be on full blast!!!

I tried to keep cool in two ways, by turning my fan on full blast and by doing as little as possible that took me away from my blasting fan. I had an arty day - my colleagues and I gathered around the fan (oh praise to the fan) - and we made assorted picture frames out of cardboard and coloured paper. This is to be a display of photographs, which staff have given of themselves as children - including two choices of favourite books, one for lower school pupils and one for upper school - example: The Illustrated Mum by Jacqueline Wilson (lower school)/Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (upper school). The kids love looking at pictures of staff as children or doing something silly, like the male teachers dressing in drag for the Christmas Panto.

Foodwise, I have been quite good today - I still had my usual Fish, Chips and Peas from the Canteen, but I asked for half the amount of chips and drank loads of water. I do drink alot of water, usually mainly tapwater. Some of the bottled water, especially Volvic tastes kind of metallic and anyway I have read articles saying that tapwater is better for you than many of the bottled waters on the market.

Tonight I was going to stay at my boyfriend's house but he is still working, he is a chauffeur and works really strange hours. It kind of suits me as even though we get on, I like my space and I can be a bit cranky at times - my kids certainly know to keep out of my way when the black mood descends.

I think I will have a Chorizo salad tonight - this will contain the following ingredients:

Rocket (I have only recently discovered this and love the nutty flavour)

Baby Plum Tomatoes (lovely colour and full of flavour)

Spanish Chorizo (just a few thin slices)

Green Olives stuffed with red peppers

Red onion (finely sliced)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Sweet Balsamic dressing and Ground Black Pepper

I will chew this all slowly, savouring each bite, whilst remembering that all this will keep me healthy and happy for years to come.

I am listening to Oasis at the moment (She's Electric), I don't like all the stuff that they have recorded but I do think their best album was 'What's the story, Morning Glory' (1995).

I don't really have plans for the weekend, hopefully, if it doesn't rain I will try to cut the grass/lawn(nah) in my garden, it is now about a foot long. I have no idea what types of wildlife are living in there, I know there are a load of frogs

hopping around and definitely loads of cat and fox poo (not really wildlife), but a hazard none the less. It leaves a terrible stench when you happen to drag over it with the Hover mower, I say drag, because I've never actually noticed my hover mower, hovering.

Buenas noches folks, hasta mañana (I found a website that gives you all the alt codes for foreign letters).

Jo x

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You know when you just want to sleep, but ...

Early this morning around 4am, I was woken up by my son tramping around the house. In my semi-sleep stupor it sounded like someone wearing shoes was creaking around on the laminate flooring - I jumped out of bed, flung my door open and shouted 'who's there'!! My son sheepishly replied 'It's only me, I went to get a glass of water'. BLOODY HELL, he nearly gave me a heart attack!

I tried to get back to sleep, but it just wasn't coming - I must have dozed off, because I had a dream that I was being mugged by a midget(or small child) - the next thing I remember is pushing three fully grown men into the boot of my car and driving around for a while - God knows what happened next, because by then it was 6.15am and my alarm went off.

Got into work for 8am, it was drizzling and very grey - this bodes well for the day - actually it wasn't too bad, although the yawns just kept on coming. The kids were all still in high spirits from the Easter Break and were extremely chatty/friendly. It's round about this time that they are all trying to get their coursework finished, so they were amazingly well behaved.

I did not really feel up much work, so I wrote a few emails, opened up the mail, made a list of books that I would like to buy for the libraries(when we get our new budget). By about 10am I felt a bit peckish, but I am trying to be really good. I brought some healthy type food with me from home, I had:

Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
and a Prickly Pear (Chumbos in Spanish/Nopales in Mexican Spanish(I think)

I love prickly pears, I bought a box of them in Church Street Market for £3, they were a little past their prime, but very nice. Church Street Market is not what it used to be years ago, it was more traditional, but there is still plenty of life there.

Nearby is Bell Street Market, what's left of it! It used to be a thriving flea market - I used to have a stall with my Mum, which we used to set up every Saturday and sell Bric-a-brac, Second hand Clothes and anything else we could lay our hands on. It was fun while it lasted, but my children were small then and they always missed out on friends' parties, because I was working. The market was killed by the bureaucrats in Westminster City, who made up so many rules and regulations, that it took the pleasure out of it. RIP Bell Street Market - I think you may still find two or three stalls there.

Well, I have digressed, haven't I!! As I was saying, I started to eat healthily, but an hour after I had eaten my assorted seeds and fruits, my tummy (or the alien inside) started grumbling, so I went to the canteen and ate some roast potatoes with cheese and coleslaw. The choice was limited as it was nearly the end of the lunch hour and that was all they had - so I had to have something (didn't I?).

After lunch I popped over to the lower school, to find out how my staff were behaving, the library was pretty busy, with the usual 'Please Miss, can you help me do this' or 'Please Miss, my mum washed my book and made it all mouldy' and even 'Please Miss, Johnny pushed me over and the book tore in two'. Little treasures, all of them!!

Went back to the Upper School and listened the young guy(temporary) that works for me, telling me how he has such bad luck with women and he doesn't know what to do to solve this problem. I asked him if he had told the girls he liked, that he would like to go out with them. He said 'no, I just dropped heavy hints'. Obiviously not heavy enough!!

Arrived home at around 4.30pm, to find that my younger son, who has been home all day, has left me a huge pile of dishes in the kitchen and scattered around the front room. I wasn't best pleased, so I told him that if he wanted his supper he would have to wash-up.

He is my son and the alien in his stomach cries harder than mine, so like a flash of lightening the dishes disappeared!

I'm now off to cook, Spaghetti Bolognese, I think. I need carbohydrates.

Happy Eating and hopefully a good night's sleep. Jo xx

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm not a well woman today

Just a short post today, I have a bit of a pounding headache. I do get these on occasions, but today, my day off (I don't work Wednesdays) I get a doozie.

I did spend quite a long time this morning downloading family photographs, which I took at the family bbq.

The one here is one of my parents' 13 grandchildren all together (a very rare occurence) - unfortunately I have had to black out the faces - to protect the innocent and not so innocent (my boys especially). Their ages range from 25 years to 22 months and as you can see they come in all shapes and sizes - little darlings!!

I am going for a little lie-down, I have taken a couple of paracetemols to see if the headache goes.

Hopefully, I will have something more to tell you tomorrow.

Sweet dreams. Jo xx

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another day older and deeper in debt

This is my first practice at posting a picture, the one above is of my son and nephew(from Mallorca) at the local park feeding/killing the ducks with bread. ( I will try some more tomorrow)

Just back in from work - well I did stop at my boyfriend's house on the way home for tea and sympathy and also to avoid having to sub my younger son(yet again) money for him to go out to the Beefeater Restaurant in Kenton to celebrate his cousin's/my nephew's 18th birthday. I told him he should tap his brother instead. He now owes me £42 and his brother £40, he only gets £30 per week EMA(Education Maintenance Grant) he does also work in Tesco on Saturday, but I am sure he probably owes more than his next month's wages.

So I am on my own - listening to the Black Eyed Peas last album - Fergie with her humps and bumps is grinding away on the stereo and I am feeling decidedly peckish. I want to be good, but it just isn't in my nature, so I am split as to whether I should have a baked potato with cheese and Branston or be a bit more healthy and make myself some stir fried veg with noodles - decisions, decisions!

One of my little(and getting littler) brothers is on a diet at the moment and is doing really well, but just the thought of those gloopy, glutinous shakes makes me shudder-GIVE ME REAL FOOD EVERYTIME!! I have tried a few diets in the past such as the Scarsdale diet (1980s), which leaves you obsessing about food all day, I did try the cabbage soup diet, but you definitely would not want to be in the same room as me for too long. My favourite diet is the seefoodandeatitdiet, if you know what I mean

Work today wasn't too bad. I was working in the Lower School with all the younger children aged from 11 - 14. The year 7s(first years) are so sweet for the first few weeks of term until they find their feet and then the ones that are going to be trouble all their lives turn into right little b******s. There are some really lovely kids their, even the ones who make trouble in class are quite well behaved in the library, well it is a nice warm place to be in when it's cold and rainy.

I did a bit of shelf re-arranging - I am a bit OCD when it comes to MY library, I like everything to be just so - which is weird because I'm not really houseproud - I am constantly trying out new ways to get the kids to read books, even if it means they start on a Simpson Comic, well it is still reading.

Black Eyed Peas are now singing their 'Disco Club' track.

My tummy has started to rumble - into the kitchen I go.
Hasta manana

Monday, April 17, 2006


Today was the big family barbeque at my parent's house in Kenton - they live in a smallish terraced house right in the middle of a very long road - they have quite a large garden, which is just as well because by the time you get all of us in with our kids it leaves just enough room to swing a cat.

The morning was quiet enough, my nephew from Mallorca stayed at my house last night and was still fast asleep on the couch(sweet darling), when I came down for my morning coffee and two plain chocolate digestive biscuits - the digestives keep me regular (if you know what I mean) and the chocolate on top gives me the feel good factor. My younger son was also still asleep, so I sat infront of my pc and played a few games of spider solitaire - my son tells me I am addicted to playing this game, but I said that I find it relaxing - my niece noticed when we looked at the game stats, last night, that I had played 38 games in a row!! I think I had better cool it.

My nephew woke up around 9am and immediately wanted the TV on, so he watched a couple of episodes of Pokemon and then decided that he wanted to wake his cousin (my son) up. I told him that unless he wanted to be growled at that he should not do this -he took my advice(thankfully).

Got ready to go to my parent's and got there around midday. My sister and mum had been preparing all the meat, enough to feed an army: Lamb chops, pork slices marinated in garlic and olive oil, chicken pieces, also marinated, burgers - with buns, friend onions and ketchup - sausages, chinese style chicken wings and chicken drumsticks.

Other food prepared for our great feast was:

Prawn and Seafood Cocktail
Fresh Salad
2 Huge potato omelettes 1 plain and 1 with onion,
prepared by my brother london cabby
Hot Sausage rolls
Assorted Indian savouries ie. onion bhaji and samosas
Assorted crisps and pringles
One huge 18th birthday cake surrounded with Ferrero Rocher chocolates
One massive trifle(previously mentioned) complete with toasted almonds*

*I tried/ate everything that is written in red!!

There were 25 of us in total ranging in ages from 75 (the eldest) to 22 months (the youngest).

We sang 'Happy Birthday' four times to four different people, April/May are busy months for birthdays in our family.

The weather was kind to us today, so we managed to spend quite a bit of time in the garden - the kids playing on two new sun loungers that my mum bought this morning at a CARR BOOOD SALE, for £4 the pair (what a bargain) - the youngest of my nieces was delighted with her new trampoline and kept jumping up and down, much to the delight of her older cousins.
The older cousins also spent some time amusing themselves by taunting their young cousin from Mallorca, by throwing his slippers across the garden, while he was running up and down trying to retrieve them - the game was cut short when the slipper landed in the next door neighbours garden.

Stuffed with happiness and good food (the alien in my stomach ever present, threatening to burst forth), I took my leave and went home. This was not before I kissed every person in the house, with a double kiss (well we are spanish descent!) goodbye.

Back to work tomorrow - oh, great joy and bliss (not)!

I love the world tonight. Jo xx

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I got it for fifty pee, in the carr boood sale!!

I have been to a car boot sale today, to sell some of the tat that is accumulating in my life/house.
I went with my mum, my sister, niece and nephew. I left my house around 6.20 this morning, drove to my mum's and we arrived at the boot sale in Edgeware around 6.45 am.

The title of this post, should be read with a spanish accent, it is my mum's favourite saying! She pretty much gets everything for 50p and is horrified when we pay more than a pound or two for anything. She is also a compulsive hoarder and will buy anything, regardless of its size, shape or colour, as long as it's cheap.

We didn't have a bad day and the rain held off, but I was totally knackered - I haven't done a car boot sale for at least a couple of years and forgot how tiring it is - it was nice to see a few people that I haven't seen for a while, mostly dealers from back in the day when we did Bell Street Market. It is now around 15 years since my mum and I used to go every Saturday from around 6.30 in the morning until around 4pm - that was bloody tiring!!

I'm just chilling now listening to a bit of spanish music - old fashioned stuff by Conchita Piquer (Coplas), love songs - very spanish and very slushy, but I like listening to them now and again.

I have bought my young nephew home with me, he was a bit bored at my mum's and my boys have playstations, psps and pcs(everything starting with p) to keep him amused. Another one of my nieces is coming over later(from Hemel Hempstead) with her boyfriend and my sister and her daughter (the ones from Mallorca) are coming over aswell - my niece(coming from Hemel) hasn't seen her auntie yet as she has been busy working, so she is dying to see her and the kids.

Tomorrow we are having a big bbq at my parent's in Kenton, this is a regular family gathering, although it is earlier than normal, I hope the weather stays fine. Most of the family will be there, except one of my brothers-in-law, who is collecting family from Stanstead Airport, they are coming over from Alberta, Canada (I think) to visit. One of my other sisters is in Prague at the moment with friends, so wont be able to make the bbq.

The bbq is a multi purpose celebration, my sister is going back to Mallorca on Tuesday, it is one of my nephews' 18th birthday on Tuesday and it is also another nephews' birthday on the 23rd April. My sister who lives in Palmers Green is making a big cake for the occasion, she makes fabulous cakes and great trifles topped with toasted almonds, so unfortunately more food for us to eat (shame)!

I am going to have a little snooze before my guests arrive.

Ta ta for now. Jo xx

Friday, April 14, 2006

It's been a long day

It was just one of those days - I knew when I woke up around 7.30 this morning.

My boyfriend was lying next to me snoring away and I was thinking I have to go home, I have got so much stuff to do.

Half an hour later he woke up went to the loo, went downstairs and brought me a cup of tea. He was complaining that his eye was a bit sore, I didn't take much notice and I was trying to nuzzle into him for a cuddle - he complained a bit more - I took a look at his eye - it did look sore and a bit swollen - I told him to bathe it in boiled water - he said he had some Optrex- he bathed it and it wasn't getting any better. His nose was running, his eyes were running, he was pacing up and down saying his head was hurting and that he wanted to go to the hospital. I said I would take him - I drove him to the Western Opthalmic Hospital, on Marylebone Road. At least we could park nearby, without worrying about congestion charges or traffic wardens, as it is a Bank Holiday today. We waited for two hours, whilst he paced up and down getting more and more stressed - I was watching him for a while, but decided I would finish reading my book 'A Hundred and One days in Baghdad' (nearly finished). Finally he got in to see the doctor, who told him that as people get older some tend to sleep with their eyes slightly open, and that he was probably scratching his eye on the pillow in his sleep. The doctor gave him some eye drops and ointment to put on at night. He also put something in his eye, which took away the pain almost immediately and made him feel mildly euphoric (opthalmic opium??).

We hadn't eaten breakfast, so we decided to go to nearby Church Street Market, for some breakfast in the Thai Cafe. I had, egg, bacon, black pudding, beans and a fried slice. My boyfriend had the same except that he had toast instead of fried bread. We both had a mug of tea, which I didn't finish as it was vile!

I drove him back home and told him to take a couple of paracetemol and go to bed to rest his eye. I then drove back to my house, where my houseguests were beginning to wander where I was. My two nephews came to sleepover and watch WWE wrestling last night after the Chinese Buffet(which was fabulous as usual!!). My younger son prepared something for them for lunch, although they had managed to demolish a couple of packets of cookies, between them, for breakfast.

As previously mentioned one of my sisters is visiting from Mallorca, so I phoned her and asked if she wanted to visit our sister in Palmer's Green, she had only been out for a walk today, so she was a bit stir crazy and fancied getting out of the house.

It only took me about 15 mins to get to my sisters in Palmers Green from Staples Corner - for those of you who know the A406 North Circular Road on a Good Friday, this is nigh on a miracle!!

We got to my sister's house, who I must say is the hostess with mostess - she proceeded to put out dishes with assorted savoury snacks and dips. She then brought out, sesame prawn toasts and some prawns with filo pastry and sweet chilli dipping sauce. She brought out chicken breast in breadcrumbs, garlic bread, onion rings and finally pasta in a tomato sauce.*

For dessert we had a hot pear and chocolate torte with double cream- I can feel the alien trying to push out from my stomach as we speak- no seriously, again I have eaten so much I am on the verge of exploding.

While, we were eating all this food -my niece put on old videos and DVDs of family events: Birthdays, Christmas, Family bbqs and holidays. We had a good laugh and a bit of a trip down memory lane - a good time was had by all. We left around 9pm, I dropped my sister off at my mum's and then got home around 9.30pm - the alien is still trying to burst out of my stomach.

*anything typed in red I didn't eat

Good night from bloated in Dollis Hill, Jo xx

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Food Glorious food!!

Food has always been a huge part of my life - I have a love hate relationship with it - I love eating (Chinese food is my favourite) - but I hate what it does to my body. I do have a preference for savoury food, although during womany times I do crave sweet stuff (profiteroles from Tesco mmmm..)

There is a Chinese Supermarket near to where I live, it's called Wing Yip and I go there to buy prawns in batter and calamares - they are reasonably priced - I also buy a sweet chilli dipping sauce to go with the above. Both myself and my boys love this stuff, but I try to avoid going too often.

I am going back to work on Tuesday, I work in a school library and we have been on holiday for the Easter break. I told everyone at work, that when we came back they wouldn't recognise me as I was intending to lose weight and get myself fit - well that didn't quite work out as I planned. I am sure they are all going to be too polite to remind me about my statement(I hope??).

Well I did say my sister would hit Primark and she did, with a vengeance - we also hit, TKMAX, Hennes, Boots, BHS and many other shops. I ended up buying stuff in Primark, I bought 3 pairs of espadrilles, 1 pair of trainers, a belt, 6 pairs of knee high tight socks and 2 pairs of sunglasses - the total cost for all of this was £30!! This is why I avoid going to Primark unless it is absolutely necessary - it's just so bloody cheap!!

After all the shopping we went to Ask restaurant, for some pasta, myself and my niece had spaghetti carbonara and my sister had tagliatelli al funghi. We had to have desserts, my sister and I had the most amazing banoffee pie and my niece had the most chocolatey fudge cake I have ever tasted (yes I did taste it!!)

I am presently listening to Jeff Waynes, War of the Worlds (Forever Autumn) and yes I am singing along to it! Tubular Bells next I think?

I am going out tonight for a chinese meal, we usually go to Dragon King in Park Royal, it's an eat-as-much-as-you-like buffet and has a huge selection of dishes including loads of vegetarian stuff. I am not a veggie, but my favourite dish at the moment there is, celery, fried peanuts and pickled mushrooms - I know this sounds gross, but it really tastes good and I love the texture of it - I told you I loved food.

I want to try and put some photos on this blog, but I am still learning how to put the basics on, so it might still be a while.

Happy eating!! Jo xx

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oh, what a tangled web ...


Had a little bit of fun with my little bro yesterday (London Cabby), he didn't know I had started a blog, so I thought I would leave a comment on his. He thought he had struck it lucky and was set to strike up a conversation, until I told him to read my profile again - the penny dropped!!My boyfriend told me I was evil, my sister told me to keep her posted and my elder son gave me a look that could only mean 'stupid mum'. It was only a bit of fun - I hope/know I didn't offend him too much coz I had a chat with him later on and he was ok with it.

One of my other sisters (I have 3) is coming over for Easter with her two children - she lives in Mallorca in a small village called Petra - which apparently is very famous in USA, for being the birth place of Frai Junipero Serra - he is one of the founding fathers of San Francisco. My sis is staying with my Mum and Dad for about a week, so we should have some fun, going out and about. She will probably visit Primark in Harrow, she loves that shop and usually goes back home loaded with bargains for all.

I am at this moment listening to 'Theme from Farscape' by Subvision and Guy Ross it's only a short piece but I like to scream along to the high bits, although my boys get very upset when I sing anything - I can't imaging why. What's on next, oh yes 'Treason of Isengard' from the Fellowship of the Rings by Howard Shore - this is a bit heavy for this time of the morning, I think I will go to Sting's 'Russians' a good sing-a-long. 'No Mum, please don't' (son number two).

Going up to my Mum's, in Kenton, in a while to see my sis and niece and nephew.

It's a lovely sunny day today, yesterday was a washout - let's hope is stays like this for the weekend as my mum, sis and me want to do a couple of Car Boot sales in Edgeware - I really need the money as I am supposed to being going to Bruges in May and New York in October. I have already paid for the Eurostar to Bruges £99 and the Air ticket to New York £353, so I need money for accomodation and spending money. Credit card is almost up to the max, as usual - you don't need to know what the max is!

Well I'm off for a cup of coffee and a bit of toast.

Jo xx

Monday, April 10, 2006

Eyes are Bigger than my belly!!

Yes they are but not for much longer if I keep on eating the way I am.

This a.m. had breakfast with my sister-in-law and my younger son at Arthur's Cafe in Kensal Rise - I had egg, bacon, black-pudding, mushrooms and a fried slice and two large capuccinos.

My son had a pint of milk and the biggest pile of food on a plate I have ever seen. 2 pork chops, mash potato, peas, mushrooms and lashings of gravy, plus a coca cola.

My sister-in-law had egg, bacon, bubble and squeak, black-pudding and tinned tomatoes and a slice of bread and butter, she also had 3 mugs of coffee.

We were there for about two hours watching the world go by, buses, looney people, lonely people, big people and little people. It was one of those mornings when you try to put the world to rights and fail miserably. You moan that you don't have enough money to do what you want to do (well who does?) - and then you proceed to stuff your face with whatever fats and carbohydrates are within your reach.

Got home and needed to get my car oil out of my garage, unfortunately, my garage door is on it's last legs and decided to jam - it took nearly half and hour to unjam it and re-close it, using hammers, spanners and plenty of WD40. Me and my son managed to close it eventually, nearly giving ourselves hernias in the process - went to put oil in the car and realised I don't know where it goes (I am not normally this dense) - got my owners manual out, and I am still none the wiser. I have decided to ask my boyfriend if he can show me where it goes (no I am not a dumb blond!).

My sister said she would do my hair for me today - she lives in Palmers Green - I was looking a bit like a badger with a grey streak running down the middle of my head. She did a lovely job, as usual, and I am quite pleased with the new colour I chose, I am feeling a bit more positive now - it's amazing what a bit of hair colour does for your self-confidence!

My Sis fed us (more food I hear you say!!), spag bol, I really should have said no, but it smelt so good, how could I refuse.

I can hear my boys now, arguing in the kitchen over a bit of left over bolognese sauce, which my sister gave me for my eldest - where do they get this love of food from - I don't know??

I now going to watch Eastenders, it has already started.

Bye for now.

Jo xx

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Some idiot outside is letting his car alarm ring - please turn it off!

Lazy Sunday afternoon, lazy Sunday.

I haven't done a thing all day - one load of washing - breakfast for me and the boys - one more load of washing - fried some chips - ate them with cheese and burger sauce (heart attack food!) - but hey, I don't really care - now I am waiting for something decent to come on to the TV.

Today I am listening to Elton John singing 'Sacrifice', I love this song and am singing along to it as I type this blog - and no, I don't think I have the X Factor, unlike some of those saddoes you see auditioning.

I have been trying to get into a book all morning 'Cryptonomicon' by Neal Stephenson, but my head is just not there today - I also have 'Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad, still on the intro.

The only one I have really got into is one called 'One hundred and one days - A Bagdhad journal' by Asne Seirestad a Norwegian freelance journalist who visits Iraq just before the Americans started bombing. I don't know whether this woman is entirely all there, I think she definitely has a death wish. I don't think this book tells me anymore about Iraq than what is already written in the normal press. I know these people are living in fear for their lives and I know that their standard of living has been devastated by all the in-fighting. Iraq is a great advertisement for not becoming a Muslim - if Sunni and Shiites can't get on, what hope is their for the rest of the world.

That's enough of my soapbox today!!

Well I am a Librarian and I am supposed to read alot, but I am in a bit of a rut at the moment and I do tend to prefer Science Fiction/Fantasy. Incidentally for those of you out there with young teenage kids(or older even) who like this type of genre, I can recommend Garth Nix's 'Sabriel', 'Lirael' and 'Abhorsen' weird and wonderful and very readable.

Eric Clapton is now singing to me 'Tears in Heaven', yes I am in a soppy mood today.

I am now going to start peeling some potatoes for this early evening supper, roast chicken, stuffing and roast potatoes. The boys are both out watching the Arsenal match, although neither of them are Arsenal fans - they are Spurs fans (well someone has to support them).

Have a good evening

Jo xx

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hello World!!

Inspiration comes from many quarters. My little brother inspires me to start this blog - hopefully my life might have some interesting occurences.

I'm listening to some stuff that my boys have downloaded, this particular track is by Moby - called 'Go' - it's ok(no really)!!

That's all for now.

Jo xx
