This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Friday, April 28, 2006


I haven't had an 'alien bursting out moment' for a while, but this evening it is definitely threatening to explode through the abdominal wall, yeuch!!

This evening I have eaten:

Half a packet of bbq pringles

A banana

Stir Fried Pork, with

Cashew Nuts

Fresh Asparagus

Green and Red Peppers

Spring Onions


Boiled white rice

The meat and veg were marinated with Soy Sauce, Rendang Indonesian Curry Paste, Tomato Puree, Lemon juice and Honey, before stir frying.

Too, too much. I should have taken a photo, but I couldn't wait to eat (SORRY)

Good Day at work today, foot is so much better, but minions(my staff) are still running around after me (bless their cotton socks), they won't let me do much and put a foot stool under the desk so that I can rest my foot.

Since I haven't done a lot of physical work today I had plenty of time to prepare ideas for new board displays in the library. When my sister Angie was here last year, we went sight seeing all around Good Old London Town, she went up on the London Eye and she took some really beautiful photographs. Here are a few to whet your appetite.

This one is of St. Paul's Cathedral in the City of London

This one is of Big Ben(which is actually the name of the bell) and the Houses of Parliament.

This one is a view of London, in the background is the Telecom Tower.

I have decided that too few children know anything about the City they live in so I hope to give them a few ideas of places they can visit, during the summer holidays, that are free or cheap.

When I was little my Dad used to take us all over London and other parts of England.

Places like Windsor Castle, Bekonscot Model Village (really old fashioned English - but lovely), Bath Spa, Canterbury and many more places outside of London.

In London, we went to all the great Museums and Art Galleries, such as the Natural History Museum in South Kensington and the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square(these are free)!

I still go out to visit places as much as I can, especially in the Summer, and I know that the rest of my family love London as much as I do. (God I sound really patriotic - or like a Tourist Board Employee).

Well enough for tonight, I'm all typed out.

Love and kisses Jo xx


At 12:50 pm, Blogger ang said...

Hi Jo
Did I really take all those pictures - wow what a brill photographer!! I seem to recall that was when we went out with our cousins from Murcia. It's good to be a tourist every now and again. Oh, by the way you're right about Big Ben being the name of the bell, Saint Stephen's is the name of the tower.
Glad your foot's better
Ang xxxxx


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