This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You know when you just want to sleep, but ...

Early this morning around 4am, I was woken up by my son tramping around the house. In my semi-sleep stupor it sounded like someone wearing shoes was creaking around on the laminate flooring - I jumped out of bed, flung my door open and shouted 'who's there'!! My son sheepishly replied 'It's only me, I went to get a glass of water'. BLOODY HELL, he nearly gave me a heart attack!

I tried to get back to sleep, but it just wasn't coming - I must have dozed off, because I had a dream that I was being mugged by a midget(or small child) - the next thing I remember is pushing three fully grown men into the boot of my car and driving around for a while - God knows what happened next, because by then it was 6.15am and my alarm went off.

Got into work for 8am, it was drizzling and very grey - this bodes well for the day - actually it wasn't too bad, although the yawns just kept on coming. The kids were all still in high spirits from the Easter Break and were extremely chatty/friendly. It's round about this time that they are all trying to get their coursework finished, so they were amazingly well behaved.

I did not really feel up much work, so I wrote a few emails, opened up the mail, made a list of books that I would like to buy for the libraries(when we get our new budget). By about 10am I felt a bit peckish, but I am trying to be really good. I brought some healthy type food with me from home, I had:

Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
and a Prickly Pear (Chumbos in Spanish/Nopales in Mexican Spanish(I think)

I love prickly pears, I bought a box of them in Church Street Market for £3, they were a little past their prime, but very nice. Church Street Market is not what it used to be years ago, it was more traditional, but there is still plenty of life there.

Nearby is Bell Street Market, what's left of it! It used to be a thriving flea market - I used to have a stall with my Mum, which we used to set up every Saturday and sell Bric-a-brac, Second hand Clothes and anything else we could lay our hands on. It was fun while it lasted, but my children were small then and they always missed out on friends' parties, because I was working. The market was killed by the bureaucrats in Westminster City, who made up so many rules and regulations, that it took the pleasure out of it. RIP Bell Street Market - I think you may still find two or three stalls there.

Well, I have digressed, haven't I!! As I was saying, I started to eat healthily, but an hour after I had eaten my assorted seeds and fruits, my tummy (or the alien inside) started grumbling, so I went to the canteen and ate some roast potatoes with cheese and coleslaw. The choice was limited as it was nearly the end of the lunch hour and that was all they had - so I had to have something (didn't I?).

After lunch I popped over to the lower school, to find out how my staff were behaving, the library was pretty busy, with the usual 'Please Miss, can you help me do this' or 'Please Miss, my mum washed my book and made it all mouldy' and even 'Please Miss, Johnny pushed me over and the book tore in two'. Little treasures, all of them!!

Went back to the Upper School and listened the young guy(temporary) that works for me, telling me how he has such bad luck with women and he doesn't know what to do to solve this problem. I asked him if he had told the girls he liked, that he would like to go out with them. He said 'no, I just dropped heavy hints'. Obiviously not heavy enough!!

Arrived home at around 4.30pm, to find that my younger son, who has been home all day, has left me a huge pile of dishes in the kitchen and scattered around the front room. I wasn't best pleased, so I told him that if he wanted his supper he would have to wash-up.

He is my son and the alien in his stomach cries harder than mine, so like a flash of lightening the dishes disappeared!

I'm now off to cook, Spaghetti Bolognese, I think. I need carbohydrates.

Happy Eating and hopefully a good night's sleep. Jo xx


At 4:52 pm, Blogger jo said...

I am completely amazed at the amount of weight you say you lost, were you a personal trainer at the time? It must have been so difficult for you to do your job carrying all that extra weight. Well done on the weight loss and the change of direction in your life!!

Thanks for the dietary tips, I will try your recipe next week and let you know how it goes.

Perhaps your blog could give people advice on alternatives to their normal meals, without losing flavour??


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