This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Other lives other worlds

I have always felt that life was too real, I prefer to live in my own little world, where there really are fairies at the bottom of the garden, where parallel worlds can exist and if the time continuum is disturbed, paradoxes can occur. I know that I have already lost you - I told you - I like my own little world.

I love this picture, I scanned it from a Dorling Kindersley X-Men book, erased all the text around it and then gave it a photo negative effect. The icy blue flames around phoenix give it a cold, beautiful, ethereal feel.

The first book I remember reading as a child, which turned me on to fantasy was the 'Blue Fairy Book' by Andrew Lang. I always enjoyed reading fairy stories, when I was young this was my main escape from my brothers and sisters, once the book was open, I disappeared inside it's pages,only to reappear when called for a meal (another important love in my life).

Last year I was amazed to see that the 'Folio Society' one of many book clubs I subscribe to from time to time, was offering it as part of an introductory offer to hook in past members - I couldn't resist and am now the proud owner of this beautifully bound and illustrated edition.

From fairy stories I moved on to the Narnia Series by C.S.Lewis . My headmaster used to read several passages a day to us in the school hall and you could hear a pin drop - we couldn't wait for the next day's installment.

Still reading mainly fantasy, I moved onto Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings', heavy going for a 12/13 year old.!

Then I discovered Science Fiction - I started reading Robert Heinlein books, Waldo & Magic inc, Space Cadet, Farnham's freehold,Stranger in a Strange Land, The moon is a harsh mistress and possibly all the rest of Heinlein's stuff. I started reading, Asimov, Arthur C.Clarke, Aldiss, Simak, Le Guin - I'm stopping now because I could go on forever (boring) - but at least you have some idea of how keen I am.

I have always told my boys that there is a Santa Claus, tooth fairy, elves, fairies and any other mythical creatures (we don't really do Easter bunnies here in England). Unfortunately or fortunately, some might say, they are completed grounded and don't share my enthusiasm for all other worldly things, which is just as well, they think that I am a bit OTT with my books and DVDs and Star Wars collectibles.

There are so many horrors in the world, which I do also read about, but sometimes you just need somewhere to escape to 'Pern' has been one of my recent escape routes, Anne McCaffrey has created a whole world full of teleporting Dragons, which travel in time and space - my kind of life!!

"I propose to hang onto this life as long as I can and learn as much as I can. Maybe wisdom and understanding are reserved for a later existence and maybe they aren‚t for us at all, ever. Either way, I'm satisfied to be living and enjoying it. Mary my sweet, carpe that old diem! -- it's the only game in town."

Lazarus Long in Methuselah's Children (Robert A.Heinlein)

Live long and prosper, Nanu nanu. Jo xx


At 8:16 am, Blogger Paradise Driver said...

Anne McCaffery's series that started with "The Ship Who Sang" was great.

Heinlein was the master. Grok!

I started reading Heinlein as a youth and continued with him until his death, in 1988. Lost him and my Dad the same year.

I use to have his complete collection. But, alas, acid paper and Hawai'i's saline air ate them. Very frustrating to open a favorite book and have its pages turn to dust. :(

I was glad that his final book, "Sail Beyond The Sunset" wrapped everything up so nicely. Almost as if he knew it was going to be his last.

At 5:18 pm, Blogger jo said...

Thank you so much for your comments.

Wil, I really enjoyed the 'Ship who sang' series too.

So sorry to hear about your Dad. You may have read in my brother's blog (london cabby), that this year has been a traumatic one for us, nearly losing our Dad. So I can understand your pain, I 'grok' too.

TraceyH, I am not really a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, but will definitely give these books a go, will let you know what I think.

Hope you are well and happy?


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