This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Friday, June 02, 2006

Ain't nature grand!!

Today, since it was a lovely morning, I felt the urge to take pictures of stuff. Here are a few of my efforts.

I don't know what the plant above is called, but it grows in all the nooks and crannies in my garden. I love the colour of the leaves and the little yellow flowers.

This is a close-up of a broken flowerpot, I just thought it looked interesting

We get a lot of blue tits visiting the garden, they are so cute!

This Ladybird was trying to hide in a Pine Cone - I collect pine cones wherever I go - most of them are from Kew Gardens, here in London, but I have a few big ones from Yosemite Park in California, some from Mexico and some from Spain, France and Germany - it's one of my things - don't ask.

A close-up of a bit of brick work, I liked the texture of it.

Magpies are as common as pidgeons in this area, sometimes when you come out of your house, it's like a scene from 'The Birds', they sit on every available roof and aerial - it can be a bit scary and very noisy!!

I'm off out tonight, going to Grim's Dyke Hotel somewhere between Hatch End and Bushey. It's supposed to be a Murder Mystery Evening and I am going with a group of women, so it should be a laugh - i'll let you know - it looks really lovely on the website. I know food is included in the price, but i'm not sure what that will be?? Another mystery??

You may have noticed that my food reporting has tapered off lately, this is because I am trying to lose some weight - if I don't talk/write about it I won't think about it so much - well that's what I am trying to convince myself of.

Laters. Jo xx


At 2:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mystery plant looks like shamrocks. Your garden looks like a lovely spot.


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