You think my life is bad
This is just a short one.
I have been reading other peoples blogs Paradise Driver and came across this link for a photographer who has taken photos of rooms/apartments in Hong Kong, which are small to say the least. Anyone in this country who moans about the state of British housing, should try living in one of these. I certainly could not - there are no windows that I can see and where is the toilet/bathroom?? Most of the people who live in them are old and in their underpants.
No 7 - Looks quite cosy
No 15 - Seems bright and spacious considering their are several people seated in this small area
No 25 - Even manages to have a partition!!
No 36 - Does she even live here or is it just for storage?
No 48 - Looks surprisingly spacious (have they been to IKEA?)
No 85 - The bed is obviously the most important thing in his life.
No 94 - What does he do with those rubber gloves??
The women in general seem to have more clutter than the men
We should count our blessings!!
Until later.
You know you're right, we should count our blessings! I think most people would feel better after seeing those pics, but they just made me feel sad, despite the fact that these people seem content with their lot. Sometimes I wonder why we complain so much!
Luv ang xxx
underpants? Funny.
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