This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Monday, May 29, 2006

You think my life is bad

This is just a short one.

I have been reading other peoples blogs Paradise Driver and came across this link for a photographer who has taken photos of rooms/apartments in Hong Kong, which are small to say the least. Anyone in this country who moans about the state of British housing, should try living in one of these. I certainly could not - there are no windows that I can see and where is the toilet/bathroom?? Most of the people who live in them are old and in their underpants.

No 7 - Looks quite cosy
No 15 - Seems bright and spacious considering their are several people seated in this small area
No 25 - Even manages to have a partition!!
No 36 - Does she even live here or is it just for storage?
No 48 - Looks surprisingly spacious (have they been to IKEA?)
No 85 - The bed is obviously the most important thing in his life.
No 94 - What does he do with those rubber gloves??

The women in general seem to have more clutter than the men

We should count our blessings!!

Until later.


At 10:37 pm, Blogger ang said...

You know you're right, we should count our blessings! I think most people would feel better after seeing those pics, but they just made me feel sad, despite the fact that these people seem content with their lot. Sometimes I wonder why we complain so much!
Luv ang xxx

At 12:32 am, Blogger Joann said...

underpants? Funny.


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