This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Feeling hot, hot, hot !!!

Phew, what a scorcher it has been today! It's a shame I couldn't really appreciate the weather as I have been stuck inside most of the day - still making photo frames for staff pictures. I think the temperature reached 23C, not quite sure what that is in Fahrenheit.

Here in London we already have a hosepipe and sprinkler ban in place and this morning there was talk of making it illegal to wash your car in some parts of the Southeast of England. I don't want to be a scaremonger, but I think I will be getting a few large bottles of water in from the local supermarket, just incase??

No photos today, I just can't be asked at the moment.

Have spent most of the day singing with the young guy who works with me. We have been humming the theme tune to 'Black Beauty' singing the theme tune from 'It ain't half hot Mum' an old TV (BBC) programme, and 'Shaddup you face' by Joe Dolce (or something like that).

Yes I know they are really odd songs to be singing or humming, but don't you ever get those days when the weirdest of songs/tunes keep going round in your head (no), well maybe it's just me then. Anyhow, I really quite enjoyed our little sing-song, although we did get some very strange looks from the kids, when they came in to ask for paper or to take a book out.

I am just off to my boyfriend's house now as we will not be seeing each other for a couple of days, he has some heavy duty clients to drive around for the next couple of days and he misses me so (aahhh, so sweet).

Hasta maƱana amigos

Jo xx


At 3:44 pm, Blogger ang said...

do you know I downloaded that Joe Dolce song a couple of months ago because it was going around in my head all the time too! Maybe it's telepathic.
Kisses and you know if you need to escape with little cash you have a bed here

At 5:42 pm, Blogger jo said...

Spooky isn't it?? Thanks for the bed offer, but flights are really expensive during the summer, so it looks like I won't get out anywhere. Boo hoo!! xx


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