This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Life, aliens and loadsa food

Last Sunday was the family bbq. This time it was for the youngest member of the family Sarah, who is now two years old!!

My Mum for some reason always gets a little stressed at these occasions, even though most of the time it’s only family. This time my brother’s in- laws came round to celebrate the day with us – her cue to stress just a little more than usual.


She likes Martini with Lemonade, so we gave her a large Martini, which always goes straight to her head and makes her a bit giggly. I have recently introduced her to Advokaat (egg nog) with lemonade (Snowball) – she loves it and has a tipple now and then. On Sunday I introduced her to Pimms. I made a jugful in the correct English manner, served with cucumber and fresh garden mint and plenty of ice. She loved it, as do I.

My sister (Palmers Green) made her usual contribution of trifle and Birthday cake – there was very little left of this as it is a family favourite – the little that was left was kept for my Dad, who shouldn’t really eat sweet stuff, as he is a diabetic, but he can’t resist my sister’s cakes.

My brother London Cabby, made two massive potato omelettes, which the kids devoured with gusto – most of the kids in our family have good appetites and when we have parties, it’s a bit like a swarm of locusts descending!! You have to be fast to get a look in.

My mum made a large paella, enough to feed an army – all of us except my youngest son love this dish and even though there were loads of other things to eat, this was definitely the most popular.

For some reason I seem to make good salads, so my contribution was a large Seafood Cocktail (Prawns and Ocean Sticks) with Mayonnaise, tomato puree, tomato ketchup, paprika, lemon juice and freshly ground black pepper. My Dad loves this – since he has a few teeth left it is easy for him to eat and he thoroughly enjoys it. I also made a large fresh salad, which included: Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, avocado pear and olives stuffed with anchovies.

As per usual, there was far too much food and ‘tuppelware’ as my mum calls it, was freely distributed to those who wished to take home doggy bags, full of leftover, burgers, sausages, chops, ribs, chicken wings and anything else edible.

By the way, you may be wondering how my low cholesterol diet is going?? Well it was fine up until Sunday and then I ate everything that you see marked in red in this post. The alien in my stomach, which I have not referred to for quite a while, was screaming to be released – I think I overdid it a bit – I have been paying for the overindulgence ever since. Oh woe is me!!

I am as we speak back on the wagon - no honestly I am!!

By the way, well done England - poor Owen looks like he will be out for the rest of the tournament, bad luck.

I have had enough of fiddling with blogger, html, posting for the time being, so I am off to watch some TV - I have Spyra Gyra 'Morning Dance' playing on itunes and keeping me company.

Until the morrow - parting is such sweet sorrow!!

Jo xx


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