At the end of the day...
"The sun goes down" is one of my Mum's favourite sayings. Basically, it just means 'Que sera, sera' or 'What will be, will be' - she is right you know!!
I have been travelling in to work on the bus, since my car broke down last Saturday week. To get to work for 8am, I must leave my house at around 7.15am to arrive at the Bus stop around 7.30pm. It's quite a long walk from my house to the bus stop and with my little legs and excess weight, it's quite a trial!! Every morning and evening I trudge up hill and down dale - even though I really do need the exercise - I wish I could sprout wings and fly myself everywhere.
I hate arriving late for work and on Monday I waited 25 minutes for a bus, in the rain and feeling miserable. I got to work at 8.20am. Even though I am the boss, I still don’t like getting in late, so I was already stressing.
Then some school kids got on the bus playing some Ragga Reggae on their tinny mobile phones, which was more than mildly annoying.
Then a man and woman, who I presume were a couple decided to have an argument – they stank of drink – at 8 am!! He spat at her, she slapped him across the face, he slapped her back – while this was going on I was trying to read my book and most people on the bus were trying to pretend that everything was hunky dory (fine). The bus driver, who was already having a bad day, decided he’d had enough and told them that if they didn’t get off he would call the Law. They got off still shouting and the whole bus heaved a sigh of relief and CRASSSHHH!!! Another bus hit our bus and tore off the side mirror – luckily it was quite near my stop so I got off and walked the rest of the way, leaving the bus drivers arguing about who was to blame.
Then as I was walking through Roe Green Park I got a phone call from one of my work colleagues to say that her Grandmother had just died and she would not be coming in to work.
Then all the people I had asked(and confirmed) to come to a Demo Visit for a new library system, didn’t turn up – so I had to ring everyone to remind them that the Rep was waiting patiently to speak to all of us. At least the Rep was really nice about it and was quite happy to wait with a hot cup of tea and a peanut cookie.
Then during the day I tried to ring my son to ask him something and a voice on my mobile told me that I was unable to make outgoing calls?? When I phoned T-Mobile to ask what was the problem, they told me I hadn’t paid my bill. I told them that my bank pays by direct debit and they told me that the direct debit agreement didn’t seem to be in place – so I had to set it up again and pay a bill for £85 before they would re-connect me.
Then on my way home I got on the bus and discovered that my pass had expired and I had no cash on me. So I got off the bus, went into a newsagent and bought a new Oyster Card with my debit card.
Then as I walked through the door of my house, I received a phone call from my garage telling me that my car was ready to collect, which meant I had to leave again, take another bus into Willesden and then 10 minutes walk from the bus stop to the garage.
My car is now working fine and I have paid £480 for a re-conditioned gear box and new clutch.
I drove up the road had a little cry and then felt so much better.
An hour or so after arriving home from what seemed the longest day – the sun went down.
Hasta Mañana.
Jo xx
Do you know what - you should write a book. I don't have time to write my own blog very often, but I love reading yours. You're my heroine!!
Oh, Gawsh ahmighty!! Thanks sis xx
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