This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well I know I haven’t written again for a while, but this damned flu, cold, chest infection, sinusitis, whatever, is really hanging on to me for dear life. I feel really old at the moment and tired and fed up – I really would like to feel well again instead of feeling this awful lethargy and apathy that seems to have invaded my body. That’s it, aliens have invaded my body and I think they are getting comfortable and setting up home in my 47 year old body, yeuchh!!

It was half term last week and I did manage to go out a couple of times. The first was with my friend Steve, who is an avid photographer. We went out for the afternoon to Kew Gardens, where we managed to take some really nice shots of spring flowers and many other hothouse plants including Orchids and Flamingo Lilies. For a look at some of the photos I took, look at my Deviantart web page.

I did also get out one night to a Salsa class, which even though I had a temperature of 101 degrees, I still seemed to manage to enjoy myself. I paid for it the next few days and confined myself to my bed, with aching joints (salsa & flu) and a hacking cough.

I do intend to go back to work on Thursday; I get withdrawal symptoms if I don’t work – so with or without the flu symptoms I will be soldiering on regardless. The Easter break is coming up in about a month, so I can rest then …

Yours in sickness and in health.

Jo xx


At 10:30 am, Blogger ang said...

Don't tell me that's the same bug you had when I was over in January? Cos if it is you ought to be careful it doesn't develop into pneumonia! Look after yourself girl or you'll have problems ok.
Love you lots
Ang xx

At 7:37 pm, Blogger jo said...

Thanks for your sisterly concern - it probably is the same bug - but I have been checked out and it's not on my chest at the moment. I could do with feeling a bit more normal though.

Well done on your exams!!



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