This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We are Family

I woke up this morning: head pounding, blood on my pillow (nosebleed) and such a sore throat, that I thought someone had spent half the night rubbing it with a file – in short, not a happy bunny. Two hours later and one coffee, two (plain) chocolate digestive biscuits and a couple of Feminax tablets – I feel semi-human – not full of the joys of spring – but ready to face my day. Thank heavens today is my day off, so I have time to contemplate my navel, plus anything else, which takes my fancy.

I have just started reading my brother Joe’s blog, which is always interesting – quite often when we all get together we invariably get on the subject of philosophy and religion. Religion has always been a big part of our lives in this family - our Father particularly was quite a devout Roman Catholic – in recent years and due to ill health he does not seem to have the same fervour, which he demonstrated with force when we were children, his sometimes blind devotion is probably what has made us more aware of religions and their impact on human behaviour. We all have our own views on religion and life and discussions can sometimes become quite heated, but as we have matured we have realised that religion – in the organised sense – is not necessarily the be all and end all. It is ‘The Family’ and the respect of each other as human beings, which in the long run are the most important things.

My sister Angie is coming over from Mallorca next week, to visit for a few days, this is always a joyful time for us, as Angie is a very upbeat person and always injects a sense of fun into everything she does – it’s also a good excuse to have yet another family get together, with, yes you guessed it – more food!!

Until the next time, love and respect to you all.

Jo xx


At 2:11 pm, Blogger ang said...

Hi Jo! I'm blushing!! hahaha! I am really looking forward to it. Didn't know Joe had a blog and am now going directly there to check it out. Speak to you this week to confirm arrival time ok
Lotsa love Ang


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