Busy, busy, busy
My school is closed for an Inset day or Staff training for those of you not in the know – I only get paid for 2 of the 4 training days and this is one I do not have to attend, so I had all of today to myself.
Some days you wake up all full of vim and vigour –ready to tackle all those jobs around the house that you have put off for ages.
Cleaning out my elder son’s room – whilst he is on holiday-he’s back tomorrow morning – I know I have left it a bit late, but I seem to work better under pressure.
Catching up on all the washing, which has miraculously accumulated in corners, under beds and even under mattresses?? Don’t ask!!
Cleaning the Goldfish’s disgustingly cloudy tank out and giving it a good Spring (Autumn/Fall) cleanout.
Order some flowers for my Sister in law, whose 40th birthday is on Monday.
Post a birthday card before 5pm (Gah!! I’ve missed that one)
Eat something – anything.
All of the above did not include, at any point – the bored boyfriend – turning up unannounced at my house and spending three hours, boring me to death about a poster he has had printed and getting interested in a Humphrey Bogart film on TCM. He had a job to go to at Farnham airfield, but it wasn’t until 5pm, so he thought he would kill a few hours with me.
S-T-O-P-P-I-N-G M-E I-N M-Y T-R-A-C-K-S!!!
I hate being interrupted in the middle of cleaning as it cuts through my impetus and I find it very difficult to get back into the groove.
I have just spoken to my sister (Palmers Green) about my sister Angie, who lives in Mallorca. She writes in her blog that she had a car accident – but what she didn’t tell us was that she burnt her arm, broke a finger and was suffering mild whiplash. We are a very close family, so when my brother London Cabby, told my Mum and Dad they phoned her straight away to find out how she was. It just goes to show you the power of the blog. We may not talk to each other very often, but the blogs certainly do keep us connected.
I have just finished reading one of my favourite kind of books – Fantasy/Sci Fi - this one is written by Todd McCaffrey, son of Anne McCaffrey, who wrote the Dragons of Pern series. The book is called ‘Dragonsblood’ and is as good as any of those written by his mother – I have the whole series and am looking forward to anything he might write continuing this saga.
I am going to be doing my civic duty starting on Monday – I have been called to Jury Service. I will be going to, Middlesex Guildhall, near the Houses of Parliament. I am quite looking forward to doing something different for a change, although travelling into Central London on the tube is not something I relish – I can’t stand being squashed in, but on the upside, it will be nice to be near the River and I will be meeting new people, something I really enjoy doing. I hope I don’t get anything too gory or too sad, but beggars can’t be choosers. Perhaps after it’s all over I might be able to let you know what kind of case, if any, I had to attend – law permitting of course.
The only thing that is really worrying me about sitting on a jury is that I am frightened of falling asleep!! I hate being in really warm rooms, especially in the afternoon and I know, that if the barristers, witnesses, Judge are droning on – I will fall asleep. I really don’t know how I can keep myself awake. I thought I might buy some Pro plus and see if that helps. I know I have this problem, because when I was at college taking a Business Studies course, I regularly used to fall asleep in the afternoon lesson and on more than one occasion I bashed my head on the desk, when my arm slipped!!
I hope next week you won’t be reading:
G’dnite m’lud.
Jo xx
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