This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I know I have been probably sounding a little philosophical or maybe even down lately and honestly I can think of no real reason for my being in the doldrums, but coincidentally a friend of mine at work has been feeling a little less than her usual self. She said that she started feeling that way after she attended a wedding at the weekend. The bride and groom were in their 60’s and were very much in love with each other. My friend, who is in her early 50’s and is on her own, is suddenly now after a lifetime of independence, feeling that she would like to have a certain someone of her own - A companion, a bedmate, someone to share the rest of her life with. Someone told her that Salsa classes were a great way to meet men and that they personally knew three couples who had met this way – so Salsa it is then. She has also enrolled in Belly dancing classes!! Some lucky man out there is in for a treat!!

I have been attending a Photoshop course for the past two weeks, run by my friend Steve. We have been learning to glamorise portraits of ourselves. I have learned the following useful tricks.

How to get rid of the shiny spots on my cheeks, nose and chin

How to get rid of bags under my eyes

How to make my teeth whiter

How to make my eyes less yellow/red

How to get rid of moles/freckles and other facial marks

How to make my skin smoother –getting rid of my open pores in the process

How to make my face thinner (Oh joy!!)

I have still to learn how to lessen my double chin and how to plump up my lips without the nastiness of botox/silicone.

I would not subject you to a photo of me, pre-processing, but I may – when I feel beautiful enough – post a photo I feel reflects the inner me - thinner, wrinkle-free, eye bag free and sparkly.

Tomorrow, it’s my sister’s (Palmers Green) wedding anniversary; she has been married for 20 years!! It is also her son’s 16th birthday, so she has arranged for as much of the family as possible to visit one of my favourite, and cheap eating places ‘Dragon King’ in Acton (Park Royal). It should be fun as it is a little while since we had a bit of a get together and we do all enjoy a good feed – details of items eaten to follow, tomorrow (maybe).

I was working at the lower school today and one of the Year 13 students overheard me mentioning that I have a Deviant Art membership – he said that he had one too – he asked could he have a look at my work, so I gave him the details, forgetting that in my profile I had listed my interests as: Reading, Singing, Blogging and SEX!! Was my face ever red, it’s a bit like finding out that your parents are still doing it – gross!! I think I will have to remove that part, just in case he tells any other students in the school – HOW EMBARASSING!!!

I’m off to ‘the boyfriends’ house tonight, he will be cooking for me – again – I’m not quite sure what he is cooking, but it’s sure to be tasty as he is a good cook and knows what I like – he’s a good lad.

My tummy is all rumbly, ta ta for now.

Jo xx


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