This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Why are children always in such a hurry to grow up? I was always told as a child that as I got older that time would seem like it was passing faster – you know what, it’s true!!

The day before yesterday I was at school – a child – carefree, with the only decision to make on any given day, was what colour to paint the sky, or a tree or a flower.

Yesterday I was getting married – a young adult – excited, looking forward to new adventures, having children, seeing them grow and develop.

Today I am sitting in front of my computer – a middle aged woman – content with my lot, still looking forward to new adventures, my children are two fine young men.

Tomorrow I don’t know where I will be – an old lady – hopefully still content, hopefully still looking forward to new adventures, hopefully watching my grandchildren trying to decide what colour to paint their, sky, trees or flowers.


At 2:07 pm, Blogger ang said...

Mmmm... you're getting very philosophical of late my dear sister. Is everything as it should be? Let me give you some anti-philosophical advice. "The more you think about life, the less you live it." That's an original quote by a 43 year old housewife in Mallorca who is discovering how life can slip away - if you let it!
Luv Ang xxx

At 5:22 pm, Blogger Paradise Driver said...

Sounds like you have reached the point where you have acknowledged your own mortality. Its a bitch, isn't it?

On my bloodlines, if I follow my paternal genes I'll never see 65. If I follow my maternal line I'll live to be in my 80's but won't remember anything past 65.

After watching my mother and maternal grandfather waste away I hope I follow in my Dad's footsteps.

Until then, I eagerly, albeit slowly, welcome each new day.

At 8:25 pm, Blogger jo said...

Angie - Nothing wrong - nothing to write about anyway. Not enough time, money, energy, but ok.

Wil - of my mortality - I am very much aware. I enjoy my life such as it is - but I do like a moan now and again.

Both my grandmothers lived until 89 and 93 respectively, but I definitely don't want to end up spoon fed.

Promise next post will be a bit more up beat!!

At 4:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life it goes very quickly.

Enjoy all of it.


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