It’s been a funny old week – I am still in my Life Laundry mode i.e. cleaning out unnecessary items from my house/life. The attic is looking a whole lot better and I have now managed to clear out at least 10 black bin bags full of clutter, old newspapers and magazines, broken dolls, teddy bears and jigsaw puzzles with bits missing out of the box.
I came across some of the elder son’s schoolbooks from when he was 4 years old; in one of them he had written a story about Michael Jackson. My son absolutely adored Michael Jackson and sang all his songs and watched all his videos. He even got to see him in one of his Concerts in Wembley in 1988!! I thought I would take a picture of his story - who would have known what would happen 20 odd years later!!!
Still up in the attic I came across a Dinky Toy of an Eagle Transporter, which was one of the spacecraft in Space 1999 and series, which I loved to watch in the 70’s. It was a bit battered, so I thought no one is going to want to buy this – how wrong I was – I looked on eBay (flavour of the moment) and found to my astonishment, that these items are quite sought after and even in the state mine was in I could still get around £10 for it!!
I have been a bit obsessed with eBay lately, this is mainly due to having a cash flow problem – no cash is flowing anywhere in my life at the moment. Some cash is coming in from some sales of items, especially some Star Wars toys, which I was hoping to keep for my old age – well obviously this is my old age at 46!! I always thought things got easier the older you get, but maybe I read it in one of my fantasy books, which I love to read – escapism don’t you know!!
Talking about reading – I haven’t done that much of it lately – this is due to the fact that I can’t seem to focus on the writing on the page. I realised about two weeks ago that my eyesight was deteriorating; of course I was in denial for the whole of those two weeks, when I suddenly had an epiphany. If I couldn’t do the thing that I love most (well apart from eating and having sex) would my life be worth living. NO!! So I made an appointment for the optician, and I am, as I write this post waiting for my glasses to be made/prepared, so that I can pick up a book and read it without getting all frustrated and headachy. I am going to look like a proper librarian now, with my pile of books and my specs.
Today I had a very pleasant afternoon at a friend’s house in Harrow. Her daughter is off to the U.S.A to study American Studies for one year at a University - I am not quite sure which one it is although they did tell me. My friend had a farewell bbq for her and there were loads of her friends from Uni there, including her housemates who were all hungover from a heavy night out, last night. The bbq was stupendous and as usual I have eaten too much, although I didn’t try everything. Only the things in red:
Spare Ribs
Veggie Kebabs (for the vegetarians)
Chicken Kebabs
Baked Stuffed potatoes with cheese & butter
Roasted Rosemary & Olive Oil new potatoes
Dips and Crisps
For dessert:
Chocolate Fudge Cake
Strawberries and Cream
Baked Bananas with Chocolate
The last item Baked Bananas, were absolutely scrumptious – very simple recipe:
Take one Banana
Keeping the skin on, split it lengthways – don’t cut all the way through
Stuff the split with pieces of chocolate, whichever kind you like
Wrap in tin foil
Put on bbq for about 10 minutes
Open carefully (very hot!!) put on a plate
Eat with a bit of cream
What a lovely way to end the day.
Jo xx
Hi! I came here via Google's Blogsearch and thought your son's drawings were just precious. Old space toys are indeed valuable. Many collectors out there! Best of luck on your eBay sales.
BTW, you're featured at my toy blog Play Library.
Toy Talk #21
My children are grown up now, but even though I have thrown out loads of stuff, there are just some things you have to keep. That little set of pictures certainly do hold memories for both of us.
Thanks for the mention
Hey Jo, it was like JP had deja vu! Those pics are great, I remember his vivid imagination when drawing and the way he added all sorts of details, but I must be honest with you, those pics ar SPOOKY! Hahaha!
Luv Ang xx
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