You may have noticed in my last posting, that I have the cleaning bug. Yesterday I decided I would tackle the attic, I have quite a big attic, it is choc full of stuff, shstoof, tings, cosas, things!! After several hours of clearing out old Christmas cards (circa. 1987), old suitcases, which don't close and holdalls, which don't hold anything, I realised that my huge wheelie bin (as supplied by Brent Council) was full!!
I really wanted to find some Star Wars stuff that I have hidden away for a rainy day (I'm a poet and I didn't know it!!). I have hidden the Star Wars stuff so well, I can't find it, I wanted to sell it on eBay as my financial situation is reaching critical point!!
The above photo is of a Critical Point, which is where I am at in my life(financially) - I have no idea where in the Universe the above Critical Point is - it just is.
Brent Council emptied my bin today, so I thought I would give the attic a miss and tackle my room. How much rubbish can one person accumulate in a lifetime, well in 20 years anyway?
I have thrown away:
Four battered handbags
Ten pairs of old (and I mean old) shoes
Twenty pairs of laddered tights (pantyhose)
And at least Thirty assorted half used cosmetics, including lipsticks in various colours, blue, green, red, rose, poncho pink and coral orange!!
I still couldn't bring myself to throw away, paintings that my sons had drawn when they were around 5 years old and macaroni Mother's day cards, oh and an unusual story about 'KILLER TOASTERS'!!
I have filled the bin up again, so I think I will have to make a trip to the dump with some of it, otherwise it will be overflowing by next Monday.
The time arrived to eat, I thought I would make some Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner tonight, it's my boy's favourite, unfortunately I didn't have much mince meat left, so I had to supplement this with some chopped up bacon (NOT BAD), I used loads of onion and garlic too, but that's how we like it. A bit stinky, but delicious!!!
I have managed to put a few items on eBay for sale, one of them, a Star Wars graphic novel has already had six bids, no bids for any of the others though. I have everything crossed that I sell at least half of them, that would be so lovely.
Last night,I finished my book '26a' by Diana Evans, I did enjoy it, but it was very sad, I won't say anymore, but I really don't understand what makes people do the things they do, but then I suppose I am quite sane, so it helps. Maybe my madness takes the form of hoarding useless bits of the past, who knows??
Do You?
Jo xx