This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Well here I am again, older and wiser, but with so many more questions than I had at the beginning of the week.

I was informed this afternoon, that my services would not be required as Juror, tomorrow or even next week. I should have attended for two weeks, but apparently there is a backlog of cases, which are taking longer than expected. The Jury assembly room was absolutely choc-a-block, there were not enough seats for people to sit down, and those who had been waiting for cases to begin, were bored to tears.

I was lucky/unlucky enough to get on a case, which involved a young woman receiving money through deception. The deception was that she was subletting a flat she was living in (not a criminal offence) to several people at the same time - 9 people to be exact!! We the jury, were told that two men were also involved in this deception, but unfortunately the Police were unable to apprehend these two.

The questions in this case arose because of questions not put to the accused (defendant) by the police at her arrest and by the prosecution whilst in the witness stand. Other questions arose when one of the character witnesses got up on the stand to speak, ‘Slippery eel’ sprang to mind immediately. This guy was her boss, but somehow he just gave me the creeps – and when the case finished, I felt that this guy warranted some investigation, although he wasn’t relevant(??) to the case – I 'Googled' him and found out that he had a prior conviction for tax evasion in 1990 and a string of bankrupt firms, where millions of pounds were owed to investors/creditors in each case – he has managed to avoid being sent to prison, because he never seems to be a named Director of any of these companies. He runs sex parties attended by high society, politicians and possibly even high court judges!! What a strange world we live in.

Anyway the verdict on the evidence given was guilty – I actually felt a bit bad as I might be sending someone to prison – but she was definitely guilty!

I have to say the Judge was absolutely lovely, he wasn’t young, but he had a certain way about him and put all of us at our ease. The ladies in the Jury office giggled and said this happened regularly and that this particular Judge set many a ladies’ heart fluttering.

I made Steak Fajitas for me and the boys tonight, served with Guacamole, Salsa, Chopped up Lettuce, Grated Cheese and Sour Cream all wrapped in tortillas – not one bit was left in the pan – we are all jolly good eaters!!

Back to work tomorrow – off to bed in a minute.

Love Jo xx

Friday, November 17, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

My school is closed for an Inset day or Staff training for those of you not in the know – I only get paid for 2 of the 4 training days and this is one I do not have to attend, so I had all of today to myself.

Some days you wake up all full of vim and vigour –ready to tackle all those jobs around the house that you have put off for ages.

Cleaning out my elder son’s room – whilst he is on holiday-he’s back tomorrow morning – I know I have left it a bit late, but I seem to work better under pressure.

Catching up on all the washing, which has miraculously accumulated in corners, under beds and even under mattresses?? Don’t ask!!

Cleaning the Goldfish’s disgustingly cloudy tank out and giving it a good Spring (Autumn/Fall) cleanout.

Order some flowers for my Sister in law, whose 40th birthday is on Monday.

Post a birthday card before 5pm (Gah!! I’ve missed that one)

Eat something – anything.

All of the above did not include, at any point – the bored boyfriend – turning up unannounced at my house and spending three hours, boring me to death about a poster he has had printed and getting interested in a Humphrey Bogart film on TCM. He had a job to go to at Farnham airfield, but it wasn’t until 5pm, so he thought he would kill a few hours with me.

S-T-O-P-P-I-N-G M-E I-N M-Y T-R-A-C-K-S!!!

I hate being interrupted in the middle of cleaning as it cuts through my impetus and I find it very difficult to get back into the groove.

I have just spoken to my sister (Palmers Green) about my sister Angie, who lives in Mallorca. She writes in her blog that she had a car accident – but what she didn’t tell us was that she burnt her arm, broke a finger and was suffering mild whiplash. We are a very close family, so when my brother London Cabby, told my Mum and Dad they phoned her straight away to find out how she was. It just goes to show you the power of the blog. We may not talk to each other very often, but the blogs certainly do keep us connected.

I have just finished reading one of my favourite kind of books – Fantasy/Sci Fi - this one is written by Todd McCaffrey, son of Anne McCaffrey, who wrote the Dragons of Pern series. The book is called ‘Dragonsblood’ and is as good as any of those written by his mother – I have the whole series and am looking forward to anything he might write continuing this saga.

I am going to be doing my civic duty starting on Monday – I have been called to Jury Service. I will be going to, Middlesex Guildhall, near the Houses of Parliament. I am quite looking forward to doing something different for a change, although travelling into Central London on the tube is not something I relish – I can’t stand being squashed in, but on the upside, it will be nice to be near the River and I will be meeting new people, something I really enjoy doing. I hope I don’t get anything too gory or too sad, but beggars can’t be choosers. Perhaps after it’s all over I might be able to let you know what kind of case, if any, I had to attend – law permitting of course.

The only thing that is really worrying me about sitting on a jury is that I am frightened of falling asleep!! I hate being in really warm rooms, especially in the afternoon and I know, that if the barristers, witnesses, Judge are droning on – I will fall asleep. I really don’t know how I can keep myself awake. I thought I might buy some Pro plus and see if that helps. I know I have this problem, because when I was at college taking a Business Studies course, I regularly used to fall asleep in the afternoon lesson and on more than one occasion I bashed my head on the desk, when my arm slipped!!

I hope next week you won’t be reading:


G’dnite m’lud.

Jo xx

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Today is Remembrance Sunday, this day we remember the fallen from many wars – wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph by The Queen and countless other dignitaries. At the same time around the country are those who understand this day all too well, for they have lost loved ones.

One of my favourite poets is Wilfred Owen a young man who fought and died during the First World War. His poems are disturbing and sad and realistic – but then he knew.

Anthem for Doomed Youth

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
-Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,-
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.

What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of good-byes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.

Our love and our thoughts go out to all families around the world who have lost a loved one because of wars.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Swords and Needles

Up and down, in and out, that’s what makes the world go round.

Side to side, back and forth, that’s what makes the world go round.

For every high there is a low, for every stop there is a go…………….

Yes I know, I have completely lost it, well not quite – the lyrics above are from a song in the Walt Disney cartoon film ‘The Sword in the Stone’. They are possibly not totally correct, but for some reason they have been running through my head all day.

Perhaps I have been trying to cheer myself up??

I had just started to eat my food almost normally, when I had to visit the dentist today – no root canal work (yet) thank God – but I did have to have an old filling replaced – I was feeling quite happy until he stuck the needle into my gum and hit the nerve – electric shock- is what springs to mind – the pain was so sharp I screamed and cried at the same time – I grabbed the nurses hand and nearly wrenched her fingers off in my desire to escape my torturer – he did seem to feel sorry for me – I am not normally a screamy type of person. He told me that his wife was expecting a baby any day now, so I informed him to let her know, that having a baby was preferable to a needle through a nerve – truly!! My face, lip, cheek, chin and tongue were numb for nearly three hours and when the numbness wore off the dull throbbing pain started – I went to bed with some Ibuprofen.

I went into Aldi
in Kingsbury High Road today, they already have all their Christmas biscuits, Stollen Cake, Shortbread, Panettone in stock ready for Christmas.

I bought a Stollen Cake for my boyfriend – he loves the marzipan in the middle. I do tend to buy him a lot of sweet stuff, although he is really quite overweight, I suppose I am eating by proxy – I get him to eat all the things I shouldn’t eat and watch him get fatter instead – not very nice really am I?

I have just finished reading a children’s book called ‘The Forging of the Sword’ by Mark Robson.
It was a most enjoyable read, you could definitely tell that he had gone through armed forces training as quite a large part of the book involves the day to day training routines, punishments and team building exercises that make up Army/Air Force/Navy life. It is a mixture of reality and fantasy and has some good characters in the story, it is quite moralistic and in a strange way reminds me of some of Enid Blyton’s stories – I can’t wait to start on the next instalment ‘Trail of the Huntress’.

Well I think I will have an early night.

Ta, Ta.

Jo xx

Monday, November 06, 2006

Living the life

I just wanted you to see this photo I took in New York, I have been practising using Photoshop a lot recently and I really like the way this one came out - I did have a bit of help from my mate Steve.

Ok, so I’m not writing so much now – when you have an excruciating pain in your mouth, see how you feel about putting pen to paper or tapping keys on keyboards for that matter!!

No really, I have been meaning to write, but have been tied up at work and at home. My eldest son has gone to Cancun (Mexico) for a two week holiday, he is meeting up with a friend who has been travelling around for the past couple of months and they are taking a two week vacation in an all inclusive, all singing, all dancing and probably loads of drinking – Hotel - made in the style of a Mayan temple!! Hopefully he should return from this holiday refreshed and ready to face work again - sorry to remind you darling.

My youngest son had a thrilling experience yesterday evening, his football team, Tottenham Hotspurs beat Chelsea 2-1 in an edge of seat, nail biter of a match – apparently Tottenham haven’t beaten Chelsea for something like 16 years. I am not a football fan, but for my son’s sake I was praying they would win, the last two minutes of the match were so tense, I think I stopped breathing.

Also yesterday was November 5th – Guy Fawkes Day – a strange British celebration, which commemorates a gunpowder plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. British people celebrate this day by spending millions of pounds on gunpowder, in the form of fireworks and burn effigies of Guido Fawkes on huge bonfires – all so good for the ozone layer!! I know I shouldn’t really enjoy the fireworks, but there is something quite exciting about watching/hearing the blaze of colour and sound erupting all around London. Here on the heights of Dollis Hill, I have a marvellous view from my bedroom window where I ooh and aah to my heart’s content – naturally my children and ‘the boyfriend’ think I am completely mad!! It’s not me, it’s the others.

I have already mentioned my painful tooth and I am not looking forward to my visit to the Dentist on Wednesday – but the needs must and so must I. My boyfriend was being extra solicitous towards me this weekend and thought he would cook me one of my favourite foods Calamares – unfortunately he overcooked them and when I tried to bite into one of them it was rock hard and snapped in my mouth – I SCREAMED WITH THE PAIN – and the tears forced themselves out from my eyes. My boyfriend was grief-stricken that he was the cause of my upset. He redeemed himself by cooking me a lovely – soft – meal of Salmon, mashed potatoes with spinach, onion and garlicDELICIOUS.

I thought I would finish with this really great photo, which a friend of mine took whilst we were in New York last week – loads of New York cabs – and no I didn’t meet Melissa Plaut of New York Hack fame!!

Y’all have a nice day now, y’hear.

Jo xx

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Well it certainly has been an eventful week.

You may or may not know that I have spent the last five days in the Big Apple – New York City.
Good and bad things to report.


Paper Plates and Plastic Cutlery

What’s that all about?? Nearly everywhere we were served food on disposable stuff. I had a terrible time trying to eat my Pancakes, Maple Syrup, Bacon and Eggs (over easy). Crispy bacon is not easily cut with a plastic knife and fork!!

Service with a smile

The service here has deteriorated since the last time I visited in 2000.
Shop assistants and waiters have a nasty habit of asking you how you are, or telling you to ‘Have a nice day’, when really all they want you to do is buy something and go away. I thought British people were surly but after being in NY for a few days I was hard pressed to find someone who was genuinely nice.

Pushy Waiters

We did go to what we thought was going to be a really nice Italian Restaurant in the Lower East side called ‘Supper’. When we got there we had to wait for 45 minutes for a table in a very cramped small bar beside the restaurant – when eventually we were seated the waiter swiftly served us – pleasantly at first – then more briskly as the meal progressed – to the point that he didn’t offer us a dessert!! The plates appeared and disappeared at a rate of knots and the final straw was when the bill appeared without us even having asked for it and whilst we were still eating. I will not be recommending this place to anyone.


The Buildings

New York has many beautiful Art Deco buildings, with wonderful lobbies and panoramic views of the city.

We went to the top of the Rockerfeller building ‘The Top of The Rock’ where on the 69th floor we had a most wonderful view of the sunset and watched in awe as New York City began twinkling before our very eyes. A lot less queuing than the Empire State and less people made this a very enjoyable experience.

We saw the impressive Grand Central Station and the gorgeous Chrysler Building – my personal favourite.

The Food

Pancakes with Maple Syrup

Bacon and Eggs (over easy)

Pecan Cheesecake

Cup Cakes from the Magnolia Bakery in Greenwich Village

Yams with Walnuts

Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches

Pumpkin Pie

I am going to stop now as I have begun to drool.

Strange Happenings

A well dressed man in a good suit wearing lipstick!!

2 Russian Prostitutes in a diner, arranging a date to meet a client (price and everything) with their pimp on the phone, whilst the client stood by patiently waiting.

Being told to keep quiet in a Jazz Bar by the musicians – the guitarist sounded like he was having an orgasm listening to his own playing – the music was crap!!

Loads of weird and wonderful costumes for the Halloween weekend. Angels with huge feathered wings, Rabbits, Witches, Puppets – complete with strings and thousands of pumpkins.

Since I have returned I have been suffering quite badly with Jet Lag, also I have an infection in the root of one of my teeth and my face is swollen and sore – I am taking antibiotics and Ibuprofen for the pain. None of this can take away the fact that I had a most wonderful holiday – but I am glad to be back in dear old Blighty!!
