Rain rain go away, come again another day.
I have water pouring through my living room ceiling, right where the TV should be - the TV is on a small table in front of where its normal position should be. In its place there is a bucket and a pile of towels - more money to be spent! I think it's coming in through the guttering, which cannot cope with the volume of rain and is finding a pathway through my bedroom window and down to the living room - I have wallpaper hanging in shreds in my bedroom - even more money to be spent!!! Oh well - at least the house is still standing.
I'm not too happy with Currys(Store), where I purchased a washing machine two weeks ago to replace my 12 year old washing machine. After two changes of delivery dates and being told that the machine, which was supposed to be in the warehouse was sold - I agreed to take the machine that was displayed on the shop floor, as long as it was in perfect condition! When the perfect machine arrived at my home, it had several dents a loose front panel and the top didn't have one area that wasn't covered in scratches. Infact it looked older than my machine!! I told the delivery guys to take it away - they emphatically agreed with my decision (nice guys) - and loaded it back into their van. I have now asked for and received a full refund of my money - I still have no washing machine - so the launderette is beckoning.
Finally I have read the latest Harry Potter book - The Deathly Hallows. For some reason I kept falling asleep whilst I was reading it(sleeping sickness??), so I had to take a little nap for a couple of hours before I could continue and finish it - it has tied up loads of loose ends, but possibly still left a lot of unanswered questions. It is a very dark book - a lot of death and destruction also very moralistic - I won't say anymore, I don't want to spoil it for any Potter fans out there! It's a good read!!
Wingardium leviosa (tee hee)
Jo xx
Labels: Books, Currys, Harry Potter, Rain
MA: "Pa, the roof is leakin' ag'in."
PA: "Can't fix it when its rainin'."
MA: "Why didn't ya fix it when it twasn't rainin'?"
PA: "Twern't leakin' then."
From one of the old Ma & Pa Kettle movies of the 1930's
hahaha! Luv that dialogue Wil! Hey Jo I've read the new HP book too and to be honest was expecting a different end. However, I enjoyed it and did a marathon read of 11 uninterrupted hours as I was worried that someone would let on how it ended before I found out myself! Hope you're leaks have stopped. Wish it were a bit leakier in Mallorca though!
Hi Wil
I know exactly how they feel, and it's still leaking - just waiting for the next door neighbours to bring back their workmen. Apparently they have a leak too! It was something the workmen moved on the roof - well at least it's not going to cost me anything.
I really did enjoy Harry Potter, but as with any book you have enjoyed reading their are always scenarios that you wish had happened, or not for that matter. I suppose there is frustrated author in all of us.
I hear it's really hot in Mallorca and the whole of Spain - I hope I will survive my holiday next week.
Take care
Jo xx
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