This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Sometimes in your life you suddenly think ‘Thanks a bunch’!!

My ‘Thanks a bunch’ moment came yesterday evening around 9pm.

After a very stressful day at work – staff shortages yet again! I had people whining on about their problems at home, with their families (The Boyfriend phoned), their children, their partners – listening to complaints about aching backs, fevers, headaches and other assorted ailments - I arrived home and all I wanted was to have a quiet night, not burden my sons with my work problems and generally just chill. Everything was fine until 9pm when a friend of mine phoned, hoping to get some temp work whilst he is finishing his studies at University. I answered the phone, and yes I admit I do have a rather loud telephone voice, I proceeded to explain to him the politics involved in trying to secure him a position, the nepotism and near corruption in the educational system and that I would try my very best to get a positive result. All the time I was trying to have this conversation, both of my sons were blah, blah, blahing and generally thinking they were being hilarious (not) and I was getting more and more angry. They normally are good at spotting my anger rising, but because I was still talking, their hilarity was increasing exponentially – never a good thing when your mother is trying to have a serious conversation with a potential work colleague. Two minutes, that’s all I was on the phone for, two minutes out of their precious television watching time!! I came off the phone and they both launched into me with, ‘Why do have to talk so loud?’ ‘ We don’t want to hear about your work problems’ and ‘we can’t even hear what they are saying on the TV’.

My anger and frustration shows in two ways with my children –

1. I go very quiet
2. My eyes start to burn as the tears threaten to escape

My way of dealing with this is to sit there for about 5 minutes with an inane death mask grin on my face and then slowly remove myself from the site of frustration by slowly walking out of the room. I slowly walk up the stairs to my bedroom, go into my bedroom, slam the bedroom door and then throw myself on the bed and have a good cry - I was so tired, that I think I went to sleep within twenty minutes!

My children do not normally upset me in this way, but sometimes their insensitivity astounds me. I spend hours listening to my eldest telling me about his worries at work, about life and general moaning about most things on TV. My other son doesn’t really moan, except maybe about his brother sometimes, but then I do have to listen to all the moans and groans about football or him groaning because he has been killed on his on-line computer game. I spend two minutes talking about my stuff and I get pounced upon – there’s gratitude for you!!

Well just as well I have cyberspace to moan into – you do have a choice, you either read this or you don’t.

Thanks a bunch!!

Jo x

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At 5:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long time reader first time poster.

I see there is trouble in paradise, are these the same two that you were so pround of just a couple of months ago? They seem to have been quite cruel to you. However from your last few posts you have been quite gloomy. Just seems a shame that it's all broke down and you had to post it here instead of working it out. Seems like a silly way to deal with something.

Maybe instead of blogging it on here you should talk to them about it.

At 11:13 am, Blogger jo said...

Yes they are the same two - and I am still extremely proud of both of them - and I always tell them that I am proud of them and I love them both.

Everyone is entitled to an off day or two - I was having an ultra sensitive day, being tired and stressed from work and they were both being insensitive to my mood.

There is no need to discuss something that rarely happens and when it does they know how to resolve it - a bit of TLC (Tender Loving Care) always helps and both of them were very attentive and knew they had upset me. I never hold a grudge and the upset was forgotten the next morning.

I like to write about these things in my blog, because sometimes putting things down in black and white is a great stress reliever and puts things into perspective.

I have a good life after all is said and written.

Thank you for your concern and comments.

Jo xx


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