This is real life!!

Commentary on random thoughts and actions

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Just a quick hello, to say that I am still alive and kicking, but exceedingly busy with work stuff. The last few weeks have been hectic here in the school, we have had Excel week, which is a week of activities, trips out, sports days and team building competitions. Suffice to say everyone was knackered by the end of the week - only one more week to go and then a six week break from early starts and loud children.

As usual I have still be short staffed, but hopefully this should be resolved by the end of this week, I am interviewing four candidates on Thursday - none of them are particularly inspiring on paper, but who knows perhaps in person they are the answer to my problems. We didn't get an awful lot of applicants as the wages are rubbish and the hours are not to good either. One of the applicants is a prison officer - perhaps this might scare some of the students into behaving - heh heh!

This last week of term is a string of get togethers, bbq, pub outings and many good byes to leaving staff and then the whole thing starts again in September. Ah well - it's a living.

Hopefully I should get a bit more time to post stuff over the holidays.


At 1:41 pm, Blogger Paradise Driver said...

With holidays, and whatnot, how many days comprise your school year?

At 4:32 pm, Blogger ang said...

Hey Jo - glad to see you back! My daughter's coming over this Thursday and Miki and I have already made our reservation for New Year's. Dying to see you all, but will just have to wait a bit longer.

At 8:20 am, Blogger jo said...

Hi Wil

I work 40 weeks of the year - I don't get paid for all the holidays, but I do get a generous holiday allowance. Not bad eh?!

Jo x

At 8:22 am, Blogger jo said...


Yes we had a nice outing to Dragon King - are you jealous? Heh heh!

Don't worry we will have plenty of outings when you come over for the New Year - We are all looking forward to it.

Jo xx


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